The Musimathics lab constantly involves post doctorals, PhD students, and a large number of graduate students. Inside the laboratory, students and researchers work together on projects across disciplines as diverse with the goal of making music, science, and technology interact off one another in an environment designed for collaboration and inspiration.
Professor Roberto De Prisco (Founder, Scientific Director and Responsable)
Roberto De Prisco is Professor of Computer Science at the "Dipartimento di Informatica" of the University of Salerno. His reasearch interests include Algorithms, Distributed Systems, Cryptography, Network Security. He is also interested in Mobile Programming and Computer Music. He got his PhD at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is founder, director and responsible for the Musimathics Laboratory and for the Approid Laboratory. He is a co-founder of the academic spin-off eTuitus. He has been a member of the Akamai team that received the 2018 SIGCOMM Networking Systems Award.
Doct. Rocco Zaccagnino, PhD (Scientific Responsable and Team Leader)
Rocco Zaccagnino is a post doctoral student at the "Dipartimento di Informatica" of the University of Salerno. His reasearch interests include Computer Music, Formal Languages, Computational Intelligence (Neural Networks, Evolutionary Computation, Fuzzy Systems), Bio-inspired systems, Machine Learning, BioInformatics, Techno-regulation, Music & Visualization. He was the first PhD of the Musimathics Lab in 2012 with the thesis "Music Composition Algorithms and Musical Gestures Recognition".
Doct. Gianluca Zaccagnino, PhD
Gianluca Zaccagnino was the first graduate student of the Musimathics Lab in 2010 with the thesis "EvoBassComposer: un algoritmo genetico multiobiettivo per composizioni a 4 voci". He got his PhD at Musimathics Lab in 2015 with the thesis "Computer Music Algorithms: Bio-inspired and Artificial Intelligence Applications". Currently he deals with AI applied to Computer Vision.
Graduated students
- Michele Nasti. Musica Parlata: a methodology to teach music to blind people, 2012.
- Paolo Sabatino. Music Conductor Recognizer:progettazione e sviluppo di un sistema basato su reti neurali per il riconoscimento dei gesti di un direttore d'orchestra, 2011.
- Matteo Parisi. Un analizzatore armonico automatico per composizioni musicali a 4 parti, 2012.
- Rosa Ferraioli. An Adaptive Meta-heuristic for Music Plagiarism detection: Text Similarity and Multi-objective Optimization, 2020.
- Alfonso Del Gaizo. An Adaptive Meta-heuristic for Music Plagiarism detection: Word Embedding and Clustering, 2020.
- Claudio Amato. MusicEmotion Recommended System, 2020.
- Claudio Cavallaro. Generazione di musica di background con dati generati da sensori, 2019.
- Alberto Cosimato. Prediction of Music Album Success Based on Social Media Analysis, 2019.
- Giuseppe Sorrentino. Techniques of Business Intelligence for prediction of music album success, 2019.
- Giulio Imperato. SymphonyAI: un sistema di Intelligenza artificiale per la generazione di musica di background in realtime, 2019.
- Michele Spina. Condivisione di composizioni musicali e supporto didattico attraverso l'uso dei social networks, 2018.
- Antonio Esposito. Metriche testuali e tecniche di supporto per il rilevamento di plagi musicali, 2018.
- Claudio Amato. Violin Pitch Detector: Rilevatore Tonalità Del Violino, 2018.
- Luca Peppe. SoMusic! Un social network per la visualizzazione e la condivisione di composizioni musicali, 2018.
- Simone Elia. Applicazioni cross platform per visualizzazione e composizione musicale: VisualMelody Mobile: Business Logic, 2018.
- Antonio Tino. Applicazioni Cross Platform per visualizzazione e composizione musicale: VisualMelody Mobile UI, 2018.
- De Luca Fiscone Gianluca. Il plagio musicale: un supporto per l'analisi, 2018.
- Angela Nappo. Il plagio musicale: un supporto per la visualizzazione, 2018.
- Nicola Di Bernardo. Un assistente automatico per il supporto durante le composizioni musicali, 2018.
- Simone Finelli. Una piattaforma mobile per la condivisione di composizioni musicali, 2018.